Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chemistry Experiment - How to make a mirror

Mirrors always fascinating the human being, the possibility to look ourselves face to face is a mark in a culture of a people. That’s why these objects were so precious in ancient times and still are for some indigenous tribes.
Nowadays it is used, beside the self admiration, in cameras, telescopes and satellites.
When the man first went to the moon, they left a mirror there, so today using a laser is possible to measure the distance earth moon very accurately.
This videos shows how to make a mirror by using the glucose to reduce a silver complex. The metallic silver is deposited in the flask forming a mirror’s surface.
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Falling Smoke

The smoke inside the bottle falls becouse it is cold. Otherwise it ascend with the warm air as we always see.

Pascal Principles and plastic bottles

Physics demonstration of Pascal principle using plastic bottles
Monday, August 31, 2009

Make a rainbow over your hands

This book uses the same principle of a flip book to give us the visual sensation of a rainbow.
The way in which a real rainbow is formed is very different. In the sky the colors are formed by the decomposition of white light inside of little particles of water that make the clouds.
Here a strep with some colors of rainbow is placed in each page of the book, when we flip it the rainbow appears. A phenomena called visual persistence allows that, to see more about visual persistence click here.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Leidenfrost Effect: putting the finger inside molten lead

This video show the physical principle that allows put the finger inside a molten lead without burn it.
The humidity of ours skin evaporates and the molten lead do not touch the finger.
The same happens with water drops in contact with a very hot frying pan . They don’t evaporate immediately because a vapor layer protects the drop from the heat.
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Learn how to do a sodium dichromate volcano


Sodium dichromate is a orange solid. During its decomposition N2 , water and chrome oxide are liberated. The total volume increase in about 30 times. Some chrome oxide dust and the heat liberated make it really seamed with a true volcano.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The old tablecloth trick by Paul Hewitt

Paul hewitt demos, using humor, inertia and physics pulling a tablecloth out from under a table full of plates and glasses and not moving or breaking anything.

The light bulb history may inspire you

The journey for creation of light bulb is shown on this video.

Collection of experiments using a Van de Graaff generator

"This is a collection of experiments using a Van de Graaff generator.

The generator uses a belt and two rollers to build up a charge in the dome on top. The electrons will jump from the dome to reach a grounded object. Since like charges repel one another, objects placed on top of the dome will become charged and then be repelled.

This is the same machine sometimes used to make someone's hair stand up in classrooms or in science centers."
From: You tube descripion video

Geology formation of a basin trap oil

Oil is a very precious natural resource; this video shows how oil is stored in a trap formed by tectonics forces.

Magnet levitates in a plate of pyrolytcs graphite

Pyrolytcs graphite is a diamagnetic material, which means that a magnetic field will be repelled by this material. Thus the magnet floats

Slow-motion Rubber Band Trick: that is Amazing!

A simple science trick you can do at home, using two rubber bands and a CRT TV screen. The TV screen works as a stroboscopic light, and when the frequency of rubber band is near the TV vertical frequency the rubber band seems to moving in slow motion.

Sodium Acetate Slow Crystalization

"A single seed crystal was added to the saturated sodium Acetate solution while at 30C. Omnidirectional needle-like crystals radiated outward from the seed on contact at the solution's surface."
From: youtube video description

Thermal rubber band machine

"This is a demonstration called the rubber band heat engine. As the name suggests, you take rubber bands, apply heat to them and they do work for you... just not terribly much of it. But its interesting nonetheless."
From: youtube video description

Rainbow Juice using Sugar, KMnO4 and NaOH

Using some sugar, NaOH, and KMnO4 is easy to prepare a rainbow juice. The KMnO4 is reducing and changing the flask color.

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