Showing posts with label Science Experiments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science Experiments. Show all posts
Thursday, July 23, 2009

The light bulb history may inspire you

The journey for creation of light bulb is shown on this video.

Collection of experiments using a Van de Graaff generator

"This is a collection of experiments using a Van de Graaff generator.

The generator uses a belt and two rollers to build up a charge in the dome on top. The electrons will jump from the dome to reach a grounded object. Since like charges repel one another, objects placed on top of the dome will become charged and then be repelled.

This is the same machine sometimes used to make someone's hair stand up in classrooms or in science centers."
From: You tube descripion video

Magnet levitates in a plate of pyrolytcs graphite

Pyrolytcs graphite is a diamagnetic material, which means that a magnetic field will be repelled by this material. Thus the magnet floats

Slow-motion Rubber Band Trick: that is Amazing!

A simple science trick you can do at home, using two rubber bands and a CRT TV screen. The TV screen works as a stroboscopic light, and when the frequency of rubber band is near the TV vertical frequency the rubber band seems to moving in slow motion.

Sodium Acetate Slow Crystalization

"A single seed crystal was added to the saturated sodium Acetate solution while at 30C. Omnidirectional needle-like crystals radiated outward from the seed on contact at the solution's surface."
From: youtube video description

Thermal rubber band machine

"This is a demonstration called the rubber band heat engine. As the name suggests, you take rubber bands, apply heat to them and they do work for you... just not terribly much of it. But its interesting nonetheless."
From: youtube video description

Rainbow Juice using Sugar, KMnO4 and NaOH

Using some sugar, NaOH, and KMnO4 is easy to prepare a rainbow juice. The KMnO4 is reducing and changing the flask color.

The effect of a polarizer on a rainbow light

Your Text description. Fill it Or leave it blank.

Interesting phenomena, I didn’t know that rainbow light was polarized

Make at home one Wilson's machine

"An early electrostatic influence machine, invented by Wilson in 1804. A ball electroscope observes the output voltage."
From: youtube description video

Music from a straw and a chicken in a cup

Science bob explain quickly how to produce sounds from a straw and how to make a chicken voice using a plastic glass.

Is possible to boil water inside a balloon?
Find out how the materials absorb heat and the relation between heat and temperature for different materials.

Simple way to build an electrical motor
Instead of these materials you can use a simple magnet from speakers, paper clips and adhesive type to build your own electrical motor.

Different kind of electrical engine
This video shows a different kind of electrical engine, it uses two coils as electrical magnets to attract, alternately, a piece of iron and generates movement.

Infra red images of everyday life 2
Water and ice when looked at infra red camera can help us to understand how light and heat are related.

Infra red images of everyday life
Infra red light can be thought of as “heat”
The warmer something is, the more brightly it glows in the infrared.
Apiece of glass may be bright, but it is cool, so it will appear black in the infra red camera.
Even though a person may stand in shadows her body heat shines in the infrared.

Fishing ice cubes

Using science principles this video shows how to fish an ice cube.

conducting glass

Click here to see how a piece of glass can become a electrical conductor.

"A small glass tube, held by copper wire, is placed in series with a light bulb. The glass acts as an insulator at room temperature, meaning the current cannot flow between the copper wires. This leaves an open circuit and the light bulb does not light up. Touching a conductor across the copper wires (with a metal screwdriver for instance) does complete the circuit because it allows current to flow.

However, when glass is sufficiently heated by a torch it becomes an ionic conductor. Ionic bonds in the glass are broken, allowing the charge carrying ions to move freely. Thus, when the glass is melted the current can flow, which closes the circuit and lights the bulb.
See the original video on MIT TechTV -"
From: MIT youtube channel
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Egg in a Bottle Science Trick

Follow the instructions and learn the classic and fantastic science trick: “Egg in a Bottle"
The hot air inside the bottle cools down reducing the inner pressure, thus the atmospheric pressure will push the egg.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Homemade lava lamp using simple materials

Using simple materials is possible make a lava lamp as shown above.
The water is more dense than the vegetable oil, so it sink. When the seltzer tablet is added the gás liberated makes the water float.

Running Pepper: a miracle of surface tension

Here we have another example of science experiments that uses surface tension to works.
Spread peppers in a plate full of water as the video above shows, then put a drop of liquid soap on your finger and put the finger in the middle of the plate to make the peppers run away.
In the post "How many pins is possible to put in a glass full of water" we explain what is surface tension, the soap will reduce the surface tension (the attractive force between the molecules of surface) and the water will run and carry the peppers with it.

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